Andrade, R. (2021). Algorithmic Governance on the New Silk Road: an Essay on Power and Technology Across Cities and Regimes. Conexão Política, 9(1), 107-138. Available online at:

Andrade, R. (2020). One River and 40+ Dams: The China factor in the Amazonian Tapajós Waterway, in edited book by Sabrina Habich-Sobiegalla and Jean-François Rousseau, The Political Economy of Hydropower in Southwest China and Beyond. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Available online at:

Andrade, R. (2015). Belo Monte Dam and Hydropower in Brazil - an Overview. Working Paper. 

Andrade, R. (2015). Crime and Welfare Programs in Brazil:  Do Social Programs Reduce Crime Rates? Working Paper.

Andrade, R. (2015). The Reduction of Deforestation in Brazil 2004 - 2012:  What Happens Next? Working Paper.



Ricardo Andrade

Ricardo Andrade is a doctoral researcher at the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin. His research interests include algorithmic governance, socio-technical and socio-environmental systems, Brazil-China relations, renewable energy, public participation, and the crisis of liberal democracy. Trained in Communications, Public Management and Technology, his background includes management positions at NGOs and in the private sector in Brazil, Europe and China. He has participated in EU-funded research projects on innovation and public participation.